Star Struck | Acadia National Park
West Virginia Whirl | Douglas Falls, West Virginia
Evening Crash | Acadia National Park
Foggy Cliffs | Acadia National Park
Ash Cave | Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio
Upper Falls | Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio
Morning Rush | Acadia National Park
Lone Guard | Acadia National Park
Mighty Elakala | Blackwater Falls State Park, West Virginia
Fading Cliffs | Acadia National Park
Blue Hour | Acadia National Park
Falls End | Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Around the Bend | Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio
Cedar Falls | Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio
I drove by this spot probably 10-15 different times in a handful of days in Death Valley. At first, I didn’t think twice about it, but then it drew me in! There was something about the smaller badlands in the foreground and the patterns of light and dark with the larger peaks beyond. I had to show a bit of patience to get it in the right light. At mid day it was too harsh but just in the morning the light peaked above the mountains to the east and below a heavy line of clouds to light up the peak. Being their at the right time made all the difference. This image, along with Storm Light are a bit of a processing experiment where I convert the image to black and white and then add just a bit of warm tones back in. I hope you like it!