Oak on the Water | Columbus, OH
Emerald Isle | Dublin, OH
Color Riot | Hocking Hills State Park, OH
Mountain of Ice | Columbus, OH
Safe, For Now | West Virginia
Mosaic | Great Smoky Mountain National Park
Flash Mob | Hocking Hills State Park, OH
Autumn Glow | Columbus, OH
Sand, Wind, Water | Topsail, NC
Etched | Great Smoky Mountain National Park
Essence | Kirtland, OH
Tumbled Stones | Acadia National Park
Last of the Lilly Pads | Kirtland, OH
Autumn's Maze | West Virginia
There are times where an image develops over time, thought goes into the framing, I carefully consider if the subject is worth the time and effort. Then there are images like this. I have no real clue why, but the curve of this salt formation (taken from well over 5k feet up in the air), combined with the light and colors was an instant “click” for me. Both high and low, Death Valley is full of surprises!